The objects of the Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association (ECSOSA) are to promote contact between Old Scholars of Edmonton County School, and to provide for their common interests.
All Old Scholars of Edmonton County School are eligible for membership of the Association, no matter by what name the school was known at the time they attended or by whatever name it has been, or may become, known at any time during its existence.
The Headteacher is invited to be Joint-President of the Association. Past and present members of the school staff are invited to become Honorary members.
Social events for members and guests are held throughout the year and the Association helps groups of Old Scholars to organise their own reunions. All members are sent the Newsletter and notifications of meetings and events.
Subscriptions no longer need to be updated annually, or at the end of five or ten year periods, as since October 2019 only single and joint life memberships are offered, with all existing memberships having been upgraded.
Government of the Association is in the hands of a Committee appointed at the Annual General Meeting. This is held within two months of the end of each financial year which runs from 1st September to 31st August.
Notice of any General Meeting is circulated to all members at least two months beforehand. It includes an Agenda and provides the opportunity for members to register their interest and to comment on the business of the meeting.
All members are entitled to vote at a General Meeting and are registered by returning a ballot by post or e-mail, registering a proxy or attending the meeting in person.
The full Constitution and Rules of the Association are available to members on request.
Applications for membership with the appropriate subscription should be forwarded to the Membership Secretary.
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