[Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association]

Join us in the Association

We have a current membership of nearly 400, which includes a number of overseas members. We are still open to new members but from October 2019 we are now only offering single and joint life memberships, with all existing memberships having been upgraded.

The application form below will produce a page that can be printed out and posted along with your subscription. However you are welcome to e-mail an application to the Membership Secretary and the subscription can be sorted out later. You could perhaps complete the form and copy and paste the resulting page into an e-mail message but really the important thing is the information not how it is presented.


Subscription Application

To join the association please complete this form. When you click on the 'submit' button at the bottom the information will be presented on a new page that you can print out and post to the Membership Secretary along with your cheque or postal order.

Subscription Type

We now only offer Life Memberships to the association and the one-off payment has been reduced to level of the previous five-year membership subscription.

First Member

Please indicate the years you attended the school.

Second Member (Joint Membership Applications only)

Please indicate the years you attended the school.

Contact Details

Please give a full postal address, including a post code, for use from the U.K. (i.e. please include your country if you are overseas).

It would also be useful if you could supply a contact telephone number or e-mail address.

Newsletter Options

Please indicate how you would like to receive the newsletter.


The information given here will be kept on computer. No information is used for any other purpose than the normal business of the association. No lists or information is given to any other person or organisation. A print out of the information kept on yourself will be provided on request to the Membership Secretary (please supply a stamped SAE).

On occasions fellow Old Scholars who have lost touch with you might wish to contact you. If you are happy for your address, telephone number or e-mail address to be passed on in such circumstances without further consultation then please indicate here.

Other Comments

If there is any other information that this form doesn't handle that you feel might be relevant then please enter it here. Perhaps, for example, you are or were commonly known by an abbreviated name or a nickname.

Please note that there isn't any error checking in place on the form at present. You are asked to give the resulting page the once over to make sure it looks complete.

[ECSOSA: Quis separabit - Who shall separate us?]
Hosted by EZPZ Hosting © Copyright 2002–2025 Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association
DISCLAIMER: This website is published by the Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association. Any opinions expressed on this site are those of individual contributors and are published in the interests of information and debate. ECSOSA itself holds no collective opinions.

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