[Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association]

2003 Newsletters

The Spring 2003 newsletter invited information about a photo of the school staff. The most complete response was from Ted Lawrence and was presented in the Summer 2003 newsletter. He recognised the the photo as one taken to mark the retirement of Mr North as headmaster at the end of the Summer Term in 1943 and identified the staff. The photo on the Fotopic site is somewhat clearer than the newsletter version.

The Autumn 2003 newsletter included a letter from Pat Tidbury (née Johnson) who also included a photo of the school Prefects dating from Summer 1943. This was a little fuzzy in the PDF but it was possible to produce a version with a slightly higher quality. Pat identified most of the boys and girls featured and in the following newsletter Betty Kirby (née Brooker) wrote in with the missing names and a couple of corrections (with the help of the July 1943 school magazine where the photo appeared with a caption!).

[ECSOSA: Quis separabit - Who shall separate us?]
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