[Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association]

Photos from 1967–1968

Geoff Lawrence (1961–1968) has contributed a photo from the school trip to Realp in Switzerland.

School trip to Realp, Switzerland

The Upper Sixth relaxing 'apres ski'.
Featured are John Siltoe, Geoff Lawrence, Chris Parker, Phil Townsley, Janet Purkiss, Betty Baker, Sunand Prasad and Lesley Jenkins.

The trip was led by Melvin Pamplin and Pete Chambers together with their partners. Geoff notes that the trip was memorable for three particular incidents:

Geoff says his mind drew a blank trying to remember the names of the other two pupils in the photo, though it rather seems he has actually named eight out of eleven present. If anyone can oblige with the missing names that would be great.

[ECSOSA: Quis separabit - Who shall separate us?]
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