[Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association]

2005 Newsletters

The Autumn 2005 newsletter includes two photos contributed by Raymond Tabor with the comment that he recognises the faces but can't recall the names. Here the photos are produced in a larger size.

They are still a smidgen fuzzy but hopefully clear enough to aid recognition. If the next newsletter has any followup it will be copied here, in the meantime any one who can put some names to the faces is welcome to contact the website. It would also be good to have the date and location of the photos.

The Spring 2005 newsletter includes a few images and these are reproduced at full size below.

The newsletter includes obituaries for actor Basil Hoskins, a former pupil of the school, who died aged 75 in January 2005. Other obituaries appear on the Telegraph and The Stage websites.

In the Summer 2005 newsletter the question was raised by Dee West as to whether he was really born in 1929 as she was born in 1928 and he was at least one year above her. The school chronology also suggested he joined in 1938 which again suggests a couple of years have gone missing. In the Autumn 2005 Ted Lawrence confirmed that he was indeed born in 1927 but it rather seems he must have shaved a couple of years off his age quite early in his career. The 1929 date even appeared on his driving licence and his passport!

The 'Then and Now' page features Frank Wallder.  In the newsletter there is a query over who the teachers are seen behind Frank in this photo. Several photos from Frank's collection dating from the middle to late 1950s are featured in the photos pages.

Michael Massey (1956–1960) suggested via the old forum that the teachers might be Dave Kevill (Latin) at the back and Peter Hammersley (Maths) closer to the camera. Peter Hammersley ran the school photographic club for a while and the teacher concerned does have a camera over his shoulder. In the Summer newsletter Peter Spiller (1963–1970) confirmed the identification of Mr Kevill, adding that he also taught German and Russian, and the identification of Mr Hammersley was also confirmed.

Here is a somewhat more recent photo of Frank, who is the present Chairman of ECSOSA.

Lastly, here is the photo that appears under the heading 'Guess Who?'. Unfortunately it isn't much bigger than that in the newsletter.

There isn't an awful lot to add to the Summer 2005 newsletter at the moment. However there is rather an unfortunate typo in the date of the Reunion on the last page. The correct date is, of course, Saturday 29th October and not the 20th. The correct date is featured in the Chairman's comments, the calendar and on the application form.

The newsletter includes photos of two drama productions taken from the March 1963 issue of The Stag (the former name for the ECSOSA newsletter). They are reproduced from scans of printed copies of scans so there has been a reduction in quality. They might be slightly clearer here than in the printed newsletter or the PDF file but not hugely so.

Th first photo is of the production of 'Doctor in the house', the next two of 'Running riot'. It would be nice to add some actor and production credits to these photos. If any comment appears in the next printed newsletter it will be extracted and placed here but otherwise any information would be very welcome.

[ECSOSA: Quis separabit - Who shall separate us?]
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