Peter M Evans has been helping catalogue the ECSOSA Archive and has started with The Thespians (see the Spring 2014 newsletter). He would appreciate help in identifying the people and productions featured in a number of photos. The photos date from the late-1940s and early-1950s.
All the photos link to larger versions of themselves.
If you can identify anyone please e-mail Peter or the website, or comment on the Facebook page. Thank you.
We start with six portraits.
Daphne Trasler (1949–1954) has identified herself in the top left photo. She appeared in the 1956 full-length production 'The Man Who Came to Dinner' and a number of shorter pieces.
Might it be Charles Cowell (1949–1954) in the top middle photo?
Daphne believes the top right photo is of Janice Anderson (1949–1954) who also appeared in 'The Man Who Came To Dinner'.
The lady in the photo bottom left hasn't been identified but since the 1956 production of 'The Man Who Came To Dinner' seems to be a common theme and the cast is known we would like to suggest the names Valerie Lee, Patricia Coe and Helen Taylor for you to consider. Could it be one of those, or could you narrow it down?
Could the man in the bottom middle be John Harness (1947–1954)?
Daphne, David Day, and a number of people David showed the photo to, all believe the photo bottom right to be Alan Illingworth (1947–1952), whose sole appearance in a Thespians production was again in 'The Man Who Came To Dinner'.
We would welcome further confirmation of these identifications.
Next there is a photo of one of productions.
Can you name the production and do you know when it was? Peter has identified three of the cast members but do you know the actress on the right (below the arrow)? A couple of names we'd like you to consider are Patricia Johnson and Margaret Goodman.
We have one last production to look at.
Do you know what the play was? Was it a festival piece and which year was it performed?
Peter has identified the cast from the previous two photos but who are the two who have joined them on the left in this last photo?
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