[Edmonton County School Old Scholars' Association]

Can you help catalogue these photos?

Beryl had three sets of images that she would like to accurately date and label for the Association's archives. One of those turned out to be photos of 'Camelot' from October 1978, which leaves one set that has more or less been identified and one mystery set. If you can help please e-mail the site editor and the information will be passed on.

Robert and Elizabeth

The first two images are from the programme for the musical 'Robert and Elizabeth'. The lead singers are Martin Harwood and Judith Robertson. Judith left the school in 1979 and Martin was in the year below. If the last date shown is to be a Saturday, as seems likely, then the year must have been 1976. This is supported by the programme for a 'Miscellany' evening in April 1978 in which the Drama Society performed extracts from 'My Fair Lady', which would have been performed in the Autumn Term 1977, and 'Robert and Elizabeth'. The finale of the evening was extracts from 'Camelot' which was to be performed in its entirety in October 1978.

Speech Day Presentations

Here are four photos from what is presumably a Speech Day presentation. 'The A to Z of Art' seems to have been published in September 1996 and the 'Shooting Stars' book also dates from that year, so presumably the date is the late 1990s. Can someone volunteer the year? It would also be nice to know who the prizewinners are. The lady in the photos is Liz Graham, the former Director Of Education for Enfield who retired in February 2002 (thankyou Caroline Baker).

[ECSOSA: Quis separabit - Who shall separate us?]
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